Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) There are many symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Below are some of them. Tiredness, Muscle aches, and weakness: Some people even after taking a healthy diet and exercise feel tired without realizing that they may be having an underactive thyroid. Weight gain Are you eating sensibly and exercising and … Read more

Why am I gaining weight?

Why am I gaining weight? If you overeat and don’t do any exercise and gain weight you can understand the reason but what if you are eating sensibly and have the same routine as in the past but still gaining weight, perhaps it’s time now to introspect! 7 Habits of skinny women – Book for … Read more

Causes of lower back pain and remedies

Causes of lower back pain and remedies: Most of us suffer through some sort of back pain at some point in time in our lives and often with lower back pain around L4 or L5. Back pain could be because of any reason out of many such as because of the strained muscle or strained … Read more

Why do I feel sleepy or drowsy after lunch?

If you sleepy after lunch you are not alone because a large number of people feel like that. There are many reasons to feel sleepy or drowsy but the main reason is due to the digestive process. The Human body needs the energy to function, which we get from food which is broken down through the … Read more

Signs symptoms of depression

Depression is a state of mind in which anyone can find himself or herself lost and it is not specific to any age group or gender. For example you might have heard many times people who seem to have everything which most people desired on this planet such as money, power, fame etc and still … Read more

Healthy eye care tips for beautiful eyes

Healthy eye care tips Many common eye diseases such as glaucoma or age-related macular  degeneration often have no warning signs, so it is important to have regular eye checkup and to detect eye diseases in their early stages. Following simple tips will help you to keep your eyes healthy. (1)Whether you stay at home or … Read more

Teeth whitening tips home remedy

Teeth whitening tips home remedy Yellow teeth often leave a bad impression about the hygiene of the person and people often try all sorts of methods to whiten their teeth some even dangerous and expensive. Reasons for bad breath Thankfully there are a number of free and natural ways available by which one can whiten … Read more

How to keep mosquitoes away

How to keep mosquitoes away Mosquitoes are real big problem in countries such as India, specially in summer as they spread several diseases such as Dengue, Malaria & dangerous new Chikungunya. Tens of thousands of people died in India from Chikungunya Dengue fever in 2016 although those news went unreported for some reasons. Chikungunya don’t have … Read more

How to get rid of a hangover fast, natural remedies

It is said that generally it takes around 8 to 24 hours for alcohol symptoms to disappear. Following natural remedies can help to get rid of a hangover fast. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated while you’re drinking alcohol. Dehydration is the main reason for hangovers. Drink a lot of water to avoid … Read more