Jennifer Aniston reveals her Anti-Aging secrets

Jennifer Aniston seems to be growing younger as she grows old. Even in her mid forties she looks fabulous because of her active lifestyle. To maintain fabulous body, commitment and discipline is absolutely essential. Jennifer admitted that fact and mentioned that “I always maintain a healthy regimen in terms of diet and exercise. It’s pretty much … Read more

Yoga Hernia and Madonna

Yoga, Hernia, and Madonna Hernia -A hernia is defined as ‘the protrusion of an internal organ through a weakness in the muscle around it’. The weakness in question may be present at birth or acquired later in life. Common examples include: Inguinal hernia and femoral hernia, both involving the groin area. Incisional hernia, involving muscles … Read more

Swine flu and Natural Herbs

Natural Herbs to Fight Back Swine flu To prevent the Swine flu and fight back this disease in addition to your regular allopathic medicine treatment: (a) Include ayurvedic herbs such as Neem, Tulsi, Onion and Garlic in your daily diet to prevent and fight against deadly flu. Indian Ayurvedic herbs are famous all over the … Read more

Oprah Winfrey and Weight Loss

Book: 7 Habits of skinny women – PLEASE NOTE Payment at safe PAYPAL website (eBay’s company). After PAYMENT, click RETURN TO Merchant (if not directed automatically) where you can download the ebook. 7 Habits of Skinny Woman E Book £3.99 GBP Name, Telephone and Email Oprah Winfrey is one of the most famous and successful … Read more

Diabetes, Yoga and Halle Berry

Diabetes, Yoga and Halle Berry Diabetes mellitus, often referred to as Diabetes, is a long-term health condition, develops due to the disordered metabolism and results into abnormally high blood sugar levels (hyperglycaemia). Diabetes can cause heart disease, stroke, amputations, kidney failure, blindness etc and it can remain undetected for years. However the good news is … Read more

Paula Abdul, Bulimia, Yoga and Nutrition

Paula Abdul, Bulimia, Yoga and Nutrition Eating disorders are a serious mental illness affecting 1.1 million people in the UK. One of the main eating disorders is Bulimia Nervosa, popularly known as Bulimia. Bulimia was recognized by doctors as an eating disorder in 1979. As food and eating play a very important part in our lives … Read more