Honey benefits for cough, heart and immune system

Honey benefits for cough, heart and immune system. Honey contains nutritional and medicinal value for centuries because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. A tablespoon of raw honey contains 64 calories. It is fat and cholesterol-free and contains roughly 80 percent carbohydrates, 18 percent water, and two percent vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. 1.Honey is … Read more

Pineapple good for cough, asthma and tuberculosis

Pineapple is considered excellent for treating cough, asthma and tuberculosis as nutrients in pineapple can help soothe symptoms of a cough and dissolve mucus. Benefits of pineapple: Pineapple juice contains enzymes called bromelain, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can help with respiratory problems which are because of allergies and asthma. Pineapple because of its … Read more

Benefits of Dates for bone health and preventing diseases

Dates just like almonds, raisins, cashew nuts are highly nutritious, in fact more higher in antioxidants (reduced risk of several diseases by protecting your cells from free radicals) with sweet flavor and high in nutrients apart. A 100-gram serving have the following nutrients: Calories: 277 Fiber: 7 grams : Fiber can benefit digestive health by preventing … Read more

Raisins good for skin and hairs

Raisins are good for skin and hairs in addition to help fight against infection and many other benefits. Raisins can also help in relieving constipation, prevent anemia, lower your risk of cancer and heart disease and also a delicious replacement for unhealthy sugary snacks. Raisins benefits for the hair: Raisins contain many nutrients which are … Read more

Eucalyptus Oil fight infection, relieves cough, improve respiration

Eucalyptus Oil fight infection, boost immune system, relieves cough, improve respiration and beneficial against tuberculosis. As per research its antimicrobial properties make it an attractive alternative to pharmaceuticals i.e. it is used in products to fight foreign pathogens and numerous infections. Presently Eucalyptus oil is commonly used in healing ointments, vapor rubs and some cleaning … Read more

Triphala boost immunity, digestion & prevents infections

Triphala benefits in boosting immunity, digestion and prevents viral and bacterial infections. Triphala means the “three fruits” is an Ayurvedic herb, and consist of three very beneficial ingredients and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. The ingredients are bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), and haritaki (Terminalia chebula described in Caraka … Read more

Pumpkin seeds are excellent for prostate problem

I can start this article by sharing my personal experience with the benefits of pumpkin seeds in case of a prostate problem. My father was diagnosed at age of around 72 with prostate and associated bladder problem and was suggested surgical intervention. Because of his frail health and old age, I was a bit hesitant … Read more

Walnuts good for our brain & reduce cancer risk

It will not be a exaggeration if Walnuts are to be called super super foods or king of all the nuts because of the tremendous benefits it offers in simple package. Walnuts have high concentration of nutrients. It contains impressive amounts of antioxidants and vitamin E, rich in monounsaturated fats and one of the few … Read more

Cashew nuts health benefits

Cashew nuts (popularly known as Caju in India) with the shape of kidney are rich in vitamin E,  rich source of minerals, including magnesium and zinc but high in fat and calories (around 50 percent, 100 g of nuts provide 553 calories) have many health benefits however cashew nuts need to be unsalted and un-oiled. … Read more