Pumpkin seeds are excellent for prostate problem

Pumpkin seeds benefits
Pumpkin seeds benefits

I can start this article by sharing my personal experience with the benefits of pumpkin seeds in case of a prostate problem.

My father was diagnosed at age of around 72 with prostate and associated bladder problem and was suggested surgical intervention.

Because of his frail health and old age, I was a bit hesitant with a surgical option and as I am being interested in the field of natural health for a long time, I have read about pumpkin seeds and their positive impact on prostate related problems.

A close uncle of mine asked me to bring one quite renowned medicine for prostate from the UK saying perhaps we can try that medicine first before any surgical intervention while coming. When I was checking the ingredients of that medicine I found that major portion of that perhaps around 90 percent was pumpkin seeds only. So instead of medicine I gave my father pumpkin seeds only and happy to share that almost 50 percent prostate and associated over reactive bladder problem was over within 3 days and rest within 5 days.

I hope my experience may help others suffering from a prostate problem.

Besides even if somebody doesn’t have a prostate problem, pumpkin seeds seem to be very nutritious and have very beneficial ingredients and one can take them along with almond, cashew nuts, walnuts as part of the daily snack.

Zinc is important to maintain normal prostate function as normal prostate has the highest levels of zinc in the body and pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc. Just one cup provides almost half the recommended daily allowance (RDA).

Raisins good for hairs and skin

Pumpkin seeds are rich in healthy essential fatty acids (EFA’s) which have been found to be helpful in relieving an enlarged prostate. Pumpkin seed oil has also been found to exhibit anti-inflammatory effects without the side effects.

Dates good for bones health and disease prevention

Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of other minerals, including:


It is said that Pumpkin seed oil may also help treat hair loss in men.


How to eat pumpkin seeds? Shall we eat them raw?

Ans) I gave my father raw pumpkin seeds (green colour).

Shall We Chew Pumpkin seeds or shall we make powder? 

Ans) My father used to chew them with one or two sips of water but if that’s not possible one can make powder in a mixer as well.

Quantity of pumpkin seeds that are to be eaten every day?

I gave my father 1 full TABLE spoon in the morning and 1 full TABLE spoon in the evening.

What time pumpkin seeds should be eaten? Before the food or after the food?

I just gave my father seeds anytime I remember without preference before or after the food because I consider them just as nutritious food snacks.

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