Why Wayne Rooney needs yoga

Why Wayne Rooney needs yoga

Football game is a billion dollar industry in the UK and no football team can afford its star player like Wayne Rooney to get injured and sprained his ankles. Recently England’s top striker, Wayne Rooney suffered an ankle injury at quarter final champion’s league and it appears the bad news for the nations and the millions of fan.

I think if only Rooney consider practicing yoga regularly, this kind of event can either be avoided or minimized as yoga offers multiple benefits for the sports persons.

In fact other footballers have already started enjoying the benefits of yoga.

As according to ace footballer Ryan Giggs “his life is so boring that he enjoys yoga sessions more than a night out with the lads”. Yoga offers following amazing benefits to the sports professionals.

Gentle yoga can be used to lubricate joints and relax muscle tensions and put joints through their full range of movement. Hatha yoga postures can help in correcting muscle imbalances resulting from high impact training.

Developing flexibility and strengthening the spine to prevent back pain and injury.

Standing yoga postures correctly align the knee to avoid knee pain and injury.

Yoga can help to balance lower body strength. Dynamic yoga develops stamina and upper body strength without tightness in the shoulders also prepares the cardiovascular system and muscles for peak performance.

Yoga and breath awareness together can calm and concentrate the mind well which is precisely what is needed in competitive sports as performance will be better. The best examples are the world heavyweight boxers Klitschko brothers from Ukraine who stay calm even in the violent game such as boxing and have won and retained almost all the major boxing titles from many years.

Issued in public interest by celebrity yoga trainer Subodh Gupta based in London.

More info: Benefits of yoga for athletes

Subodh Gupta is the author of numerous books on yoga, weight loss and stress management. He has been interviewed by various TV channels and his views and articles appear regularly in magazines and newspapers in India and the UK.

Subodh Gupta conducts private yoga classes in London in addition to weight loss program, private meditation, nutrition and stress counseling sessions for a number of celebrities.

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