Uma Thurman Depression and Yoga Solution

Uma Thurman Depression & Yogic Solution

Many believe that depression is when we feel low, miserable, fed up or have a bad mood for a couple of days. But that’s far from the truth. Depression is a serious psychological disorder affecting approximately 18.8 million Americans in a given year.

In Britain, depression occurs in 1 in 10 adults at any one time according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Depression is very common and it can happen to anybody. When extreme sadness lasts for a long time interfering with your daily life, this may be depression which can last for months.

Many people are afraid to admit having depression as they believe it is a sign of weakness so they keep quiet and don’t seek professional help putting their lives in misery and sometimes even in danger.

But depression is certainly not a sign of failure. In fact, a famous actress Uma Thurman confessed that she spent years suffering from depression, even when she was one of the Hollywood’s most successful actresses.

So … what causes depression?
There could be many factors that can trigger depression, such as bereavement, redundancy, divorce, illness or money worries. For Uma Thurman the trigger was divorce. She admitted that no amount of movie successes could compensate for the pain of her two divorces and the loneliness of life as a single mother.

She said: “My professional life was soaring but my private life was in ruins. I fell into acting and a life that didn’t give me the feeling I was doing anything substantial or meaningful.”

To treat depression only with drugs is not an answer because drugs don’t cure depression but they only control the symptoms.

The ‘Talk-therapy’ is one of the ways to treat depression. The ‘Talk-therapy’ can help you to think about the problems you are experiencing in your life in order to find new ways of dealing with them.

When you are depressed, feel anxiety and stress, feel unhappy, yoga is the best solution.

Try to incorporate yoga in your daily schedule in addition to relaxation and meditation. The practice of hatha yoga reduces the impact of stress responses which in turn decrease the heart rate, lower blood pressure and ease respiration. Yoga can be a very appealing way to deal with depression. You can see the dramatic improvement in a depression within weeks.

The scientific study of yoga demonstrates that mental and physical health are closely related and yoga works on both level. If you are suffering from depression then take action now for your own good health. If we don’t take care about our own health then who will?

Issued in public interest by celebrity trainer Subodh Gupta.
Subodh Gupta is the author of the books “Stress Management A holistic approach” and “Corporate Yoga” available at Amazon and Barnes and Nobles. He has been interviewed by various TV channels and his views and articles appear regularly in magazines and newspapers in India and the UK. 

Subodh Gupta is based in London and conducts yoga, weight loss, nutrition and stress counselling sessions for a number of celebrities.

For Private yoga classes in Kensington, Chelsea, Holland Park, Mayfair, Knightsbridge, Notting hill, Fulham, Belgravia, Hampstead Heath, Marylebone in London

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