Do we have to sit in the lotus position to meditate explained by yoga meditation teacher Subodh Gupta.
You don’t have to sit in Lotus Pose position to meditate. In fact, most people would find very difficult to sit in Lotos Pose for a longer duration.
What is important during meditation is that your back and your neck should be straight so you can sit in a simple cross leg position or even sit of a chair and that is perfectly fine.
For reaching higher stages of meditation, back and neck should be straight.
Different spiritual teachers from various traditions suggest different physical postures for meditation. Most famous are the several cross-legged postures, including the Lotus Position.
Many meditative traditions teach that the spine should be kept straight for the reason explained as for circulation of spiritual energy, the vital breath, the life force.

Various hand-gestures or mudras are also suggested. These can carry theological meaning or according to Yogic philosophy can actually affect consciousness.
For example, a common Buddhist hand-position is with the right hand resting atop the left, with the thumbs touching.
Use of wall to keep back straight
Wall can also be used to keep our back straight sometime when you are feeling tired or finding difficult to keep your back straight. It is important to keep one’s back straight to keep might alert. If our back is not straight our mind would easily become drowsy.
In some of the meditation camps, wooden back support is provided if only somebody is sick and find difficult to keep his or her back straight for the longer duration. However, a wall as a support should not be used regularly because it will make you dependent and in meditation, the main aim is to become independent from all aspect whether emotionally or physically or financially.
Seated posture
A person can use any chair, stool, bench, anything that has a horizontal top, so that he or she may sit on it. The person sits up, with their back straight, and holds their head and spine in alignment. They rest their hands comfortably on their knees or arms of chair.
Cross-legged posture
The person crosses legs while seated on the floor (and on a cushion, if it is more comfortable) and unless skilled at yoga, should not try to sit in the lotus posture. The person sits upright, back straight, and with their head and spine in alignment. Hands may rest in any position.

Kneeling posture (This posture also know as vajrasana)
Person kneels on the floor with their knees together, buttocks resting on their heels and toes almost touching.
They keep their back straight, head and spine in alignment, and rest their hands on their thighs.
Lying down posture
This is the savasana or the corpse posture in yoga. A person lies down on a thick blanket or carpet and makes sure legs are straight but relaxed. Normally, it is seldom used because it making it very easy to fall asleep while trying to meditate. It is often regarded as more effective as a stress buster rather than in the meditation process.
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