Yoga Child’s Pose (Balasana) Benefits and Precautions

Yoga Pose Child’s Pose Benefits and Dangers Child’s Pose is also known as Balasana. Child’s pose is a relaxing pose and can be performed anytime during the yoga practice whenever one feels tired, preceding or following any yoga pose. Child Pose can helps in (a) stretching the hips, thighs and ankles gently (b) relieving stress (c) relieving … Read more

Paschimottanasana (sitting forward bend) precautions

Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Yoga pose Sitting Forward Bend Sitting Forward Bend – (Paschimottanasana) “Never force yourself into a forward bend when sitting on the floor” Yogasana, the third limb of Raja Yoga also popularly understood by mass population as yoga is getting popular as never before in both eastern and western … Read more

Yoga and Obesity Solution

Yoga and Obesity Solution As per one report, nearly 14 percent of British youngsters are clinically obese. The cost of obesity to the NHS in the UK is about £ 1 billion a year. By 2010 the number of overweight and obese youngsters in the European Union nations is expected to hit 26 million. An estimated 20,000 … Read more

Diabetes, Yoga and Halle Berry

Diabetes, Yoga and Halle Berry Diabetes mellitus, often referred to as Diabetes, is a long-term health condition, develops due to the disordered metabolism and results into abnormally high blood sugar levels (hyperglycaemia). Diabetes can cause heart disease, stroke, amputations, kidney failure, blindness etc and it can remain undetected for years. However the good news is … Read more

Paula Abdul, Bulimia, Yoga and Nutrition

Paula Abdul, Bulimia, Yoga and Nutrition Eating disorders are a serious mental illness affecting 1.1 million people in the UK. One of the main eating disorders is Bulimia Nervosa, popularly known as Bulimia. Bulimia was recognized by doctors as an eating disorder in 1979. As food and eating play a very important part in our lives … Read more

Indian Gurus and Unsafe yoga practice

Indian Gurus and Unsafe yoga practice Hatha Yoga – the oldest system of personal development needs no introduction nowadays. Its popularity can be estimated by the fact that more than 15 million people practice yoga in USA alone. Almost every health club in a country like UK has yoga classes. In India where the yoga system … Read more

Bikram Yoga not healthy for Madonna

Bikram Yoga not healthy for Madonna There are many reasons why Bikram Yoga style is not healthy for Madonna. (a)Artificial Heat: In Bikram yoga style it is recommended that room temperature should be heated up at minimum 105F that is 40.5degree centigrade. So the room should be really hot to sweat more while doing yoga. … Read more

Why Wayne Rooney needs yoga

Why Wayne Rooney needs yoga Football game is a billion dollar industry in the UK and no football team can afford its star player like Wayne Rooney to get injured and sprained his ankles. Recently England’s top striker, Wayne Rooney suffered an ankle injury at quarter final champion’s league and it appears the bad news … Read more