Yoga Pose – Triangle (Trikonasana) step by step

Yoga posture – Triangle (Trikonasana)

It is the least common movement in our ordinary day-to-day life. We twist, we bend back or forward, but except that we do not often bend our spine to the side. It seems very unnatural to do the Lateral Flexion (side bend) and that’s why the Triangle is one of the most important postures in yoga practice. Awareness should be on the breath synchronized with the movement. Focus on keeping your body and head facing forward without twisting.

Inhale – while raising your arms up and coming out of the posture
Exhale – while bending to the side
Breathe slowly while holding the asana

1) Standing Side Bend with feet together

Step by step method:

The whole-body sides bend concentrate on lifting your hands as high as possible in the overhead stretch maintaining equal strength in your arms and hands.
Fingers are interlocked and the palms are tightly together.
As you tense all the thigh muscles and squeeze the hips together you create a firm base for
your legs and feet.
You will feel a whole-body side bend from your ankles to your fingertips.
The whole bending will occur in the spine, not at the hips.

2) Side Bend with one knee on the floor

Step by step method:

Assume a kneeling position and stretch your right foot out to the side sliding the right hand
down the leg.
This posture allows you to bend further than can be accomplished standing up.
It curves the entire spine to its maximum.

Regular practice will help to reduce waistline fat
It keeps the abdominal muscles in good condition
It will help person suffering from stiff back

3) Yoga pose Triangle

Step by step method:

Stand erect with your palms by your side.
Bring your feet about 3 feet apart.
Take the right arm up straight and stretch upwards.
While retaining the stretch bend to right side.
Slide the right arm down the right leg and hold, where you feel comfortable.
Retain the position for few second as per your comfort level and then return to the standing
Repeat the same movement on the other side.

Note 1:
Triangle Yoga Pose has a strengthening effect on the back, shoulders and leg muscles. This Yoga pose is particularly useful for people who spend lots of time in sitting. This asana helps in improving postures. It is suggested that those people who suffer from sciatica or slipped disc may do this asana under the guidance of yoga teacher.

Note 2:
Do not overstretch yourself
Do not twist your body

It helps to reduce waistline fat
It improves digestion
It helps to keep the spine elastic
It helps in hips and leg flexibility

Students suffering from serious back complaints should avoid practice this yoga pose

Trikanasana is also known as The Triangle pose. The Sanskrit word ‘tri’ means three and ‘kona’ means corner or angle, hence the name. When you look at this pose you can easily notice why this name has been given to this asana. From the completed posture the body forms three angles; the legs form one, the arm extended down and the body forms another, and the arm extended upward and the head and neck form the third.

The Triangle gives an excellent lateral stretch to the spine, toning the spinal nerves and improving balance and concentration. The muscles of the thighs, calves, hamstring, knees and ankles are stretched, promoting flexibility in the hips and legs.

This asana strengthens the pelvic area and tones the reproductive organs. It massages and strengthens the thyroid glands, kidneys and the adrenal glands to function in a better way. It stimulates the abdominal organs and improves digestion.

Regular practice of Triangle will help reduce waistline fat.

Important: Do not let your hip tilt outward or forward or you will lose the valuable stretch.

The Triangle pose practiced safely is a very beneficial asana; however, there are some health conditions in which
this posture should be avoided.

Three important reasons not to do Triangle: (Precautions)

1) Anyone suffering from back condition should not practice this pose.

2) If you are having headaches avoid doing this asana.

3) In case of having diarrhea do not attempt this pose.

Caution: Always check with your doctor if you have any doubts or concerns regarding the suitability of this pose for you.

For Beginners: As a beginner you most probably will support the weight of the torso with one of your arm, forearm and the hand and the torso can remain relaxed. The importance of this pose is to learn how to come out of it without hurting yourself. When you decide to come up the weight of your upper body will have to be supported only by your internal muscles, which may not be ready for the effort. That’s why the safe way to come out of the Triangle is by tightening the muscles of your legs, thighs and hips, which will recruit more muscles in the pelvis and torso.

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Issued in the interest of people practicing Hatha Yoga by Subodh Gupta,

Private Yoga in London at Chelsea Kensington Mayfair knightsbridge by Celebrity Instructor from India