According to a new study by University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer, higher sugar intake which already linked to risks of diabetes and obesity can also cause breast and lung cancer. Researches found that sugary diet is more likely to lead to breast cancer development because of the inflammation of the mammary gland as the cause.
The study investigated the impact of sugar on mammary gland tumour on mice.
Fur different studies were conducted and researchers concluded that numbers of lung metastases were significantly higher in mice on the sucrose -or a fructose-enriched diet, versus mice on the starch-control diet.
“Moderate sugar consumption is critical, …per capita consumption of sugar in the US has surged… and an increase in consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has been identified as a significant contributor to an epidemic of obesity, heart disease and cancer worldwide,” researchers said.
Study also mentioned that high amounts of dietary sugar in the Western diet may increase the risk of breast cancer and metastasis to the lungs. New federal dietary guidelines urge Americans to drastically cut back on sugar.
The dietary guidelines are updated every five years. The biggest surprise in the guidelines was the conclusion that teenage boys and men were generally consuming too much protein. The guidelines recommend that men and boys “reduce their overall intake of protein food” such as meat, poultry and eggs and add more vegetables to their diets.
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According to Obesity campaign UK sugar sweetened drink are linked with Child Obesity and other diseases. The carbonated soft drinks are among the largest source of calories in American people diet, about seven percent of daily calories intake.
Highly refined sugar is nothing else but chemicals. Sugar -> makes you fat, rot teeth, disrupt digestion, and addictive.